Henrietta Pearl Terry Collection

Diary of Henrietta Pearl Terry
Henrietta Pearl Terry served as a naval aerologist during the Second World War as a member of the WAVES [Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service]. She was stationed at Naval Air Station Norfolk outside of Norfolk, Virginia. Her diary spans a period from May 8th to September 18th 1944, and deals primarily with her flight training and personal life. Major events detailed by the diary include: a flight in a Curtiss SB2C3 Helldiver; Terry's various piloting experiences; an account of the celebration of the first Anniversary of the WAVES at Naval Air Station Norfolk; and the diarist's experience weathering the Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1944.
Dormitory at Smith College, Massachusetts
A dormitory at Smith College Massachusetts in 1942.
Grace Dimelow at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943
Grace Dimelow poses at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943.
Grace Dimelow at Smith College, circa 1943
Grace Dimelow poses in the snow at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943. She wears the WAVES overcoat and havelock.
Henrietta Pearl Terry at vanity
Formal photo of Henrietta Pearl Terry in 1943, seated at a vanity and reflected in a mirror. She holds a pen over an open atlas and wears her WAVES dress blue uniform.
Henrietta Pearl Terry on a vanity
Formal photo of Henrietta Pearl Terry, posed on a vanity with an atlas, in WAVES dress blue uniform in 1943.
Henrietta Terry in snow
Lt. Henrietta P. Terry, in WAVES raincoat and havelock, salutes the camera while standing in a snowstorm at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1942.
Meterology class photo
Meterology class photo at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, circa 1944. The WAVES in the photo wear their white dress uniforms with officer's combination hats with white covers.
Recieving line at U.S. Navy event
Navy servicemen and women in dress whites greet other navy personnel at an event at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Virginia, circa 1944. The receiving line includes (right to left) Amelia Cowaia, Capt. Greer, Mrs. Greer, Lt. Cmdr Palmer or Hancock, and Eunice Horne.
Violet Boynton at Smith College, Massachusetts
WAVE Violet Boynton, in blue service dress, salutes the camera while at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1942.
WAVE at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943
A WAVE poses at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943.
WAVES at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943
WAVES pose at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1943.
WAVES in receiving line
WAVES in dress white uniforms with officer's combination hats form a receiving line with Captain and Mrs. Greer at an event at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Virginia, circa 1943. Pictured (left to right) are: 1. Cleaworth, 2. H. Terry, 3. Eunice Horne, 4. Lt. Cmdr. Palmer or Hancock, Mrs. Greer, Capt. Greer, and Amelia Corwaia.
WAVES in snow at Smith College
Leila Stevens (right) and a fellow WAVE stand in the snow at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1942.
WAVES in snow storm
Four WAVES in raincoats and havelocks stand in the snow at Smith College, Massachusetts, circa 1942.
WAVES relax in lounge
Four WAVES mill about indoors, two with beverages in teacups, circa 1944.
WAVES study map at Naval Air Station Norfolk
Henrietta Terry points to a map while instructing a group of WAVES in dress blue uniforms at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Virginia, circa 1944.