Girls Books in Series


A puritan knight errant [binding]
Mottled moderate greenish-blue calico-texture cloth; circle frame with man dressed in ruff, cape, gloves, feathered hat, suit, and boots with one hand on sword and other shading eyes, standing on ship with ocean in background, lettered scroll banner below, lettering below banner, all in yellow, blue, and black; spine lettered and ruled in blue. H: 18.4 cm.; W: 13 cm.; D: 2 cm.
A revolutionary maid : a story of the middle period of the war for independence [binding]
Dark orange yellow (C72) calico-texture cloth; two panels outlined in navy blue, left panel has woman seated at spinning wheel with windows in background in grayish-blue, navy blue, and white, right panel has seven distaffs in white and navy blue, lettered in navy blue; eight distaffs on spine in navy blue and white, two navy blue rules, lettering and seven decorative designs in gilt. H: 19.4 cm.; W: 13.9 cm.; D: 3.4 cm.
A senior co-ed [binding]
Strong olive green vertical rib cloth; oval color paper onlay of girl in commencement outfit within double rule border, lettered in cream; spine lettered in cream with black flower; illustrated endpapers of girl reading and rose repeating in gray. H: 20.1 cm.; W: 13.5 cm.; D: 4.3 cm.
A seventh daughter [binding]
Mottled pale blue calico-texture cloth; four horizontal panels with blue rule borders, girl in nightgown with candle and mirror in white and black in second panel, upper and lower two panels lettered in red and blue; spine lettered in red. H: 18.44 cm.; W: 12.12 cm.; D: 1.8 cm.
A small small child [binding]
Moderate green (C145) calico-texture cloth; girl in dress standing with leaf and floral design around, balls and chain at the base of the design, lettered at head and foot, all within single rule border, all in black, pink, dark green, and white; spine lettered in black. H: 18.6 cm.; W: 12.9 cm.; D: 1.1 cm.
A small small child [binding]
Light olive gray calico-texture cloth; series binding with two panels ruled in green, title page illustration reproduced, upper panel has boy and girl holding floral wreath with basket of flowers at their feet, lettering within wreath, all in green, yellow and red, lower panel lettered in red; signed "AMS" i.e. Amy Sacker; flowers, lettering and rules on spine in green, red and yellow. H: 18.4 cm.; W: 12.8 cm.; D: 2.6 cm.
A thousand a year [binding]
Grayish-yellowish-blue calico-texture cloth; series binding with three panels along left ruled in red, central panel has two girls holding flowers with town and trees in background, all in red and white, upper panel blank, lower panel lettered in red, all within single rule border in red, lettered to right in red; basket of flowers, letttered and rules on spine in red, white, gilt and reserved grayish-yellowish-blue. H: 19 cm.; W: 13.1 cm.; D: 2.5 cm.
Adele Doring on a ranch [binding]
Vivid red (C11) cloth; girl in western hat riding horse and cacti in black, Moderate blue sky, black lettering; spine lettered in black with girl in hat in profile. H: 19.4 cm.; W: 12.3 cm.; D: 3.6 cm.
Alila : our little Philippine cousin [binding]
Light orange yellow calico-texture cloth; series binding with boy in Filipino dress carrying two baskets on shoulder balance; hut on stilts in water, and hill in background, within black rule border, blue lettering at head and foot, all within black rule outer border; Little Cousin trademark in green in center of back cover; spine lettered in black. In reddish-orange dust jacket with front cover image repeated in black, series advertisements on back of jacket. H: 19.6 cm.; W: 12.9 cm.; D: 2 cm.
All about Cinderella [binding]
Dark yellow grayish-brown paper over boards; two color illustrated paper onlays within decorative borders in dark green at head and foot; upper paper onlay has woman with fire " two side, lower paper onlay has pumpkins in patch, lettered in center with acorn in dark green; two acorns and lettering on spine in dark green. H: 13.8 cm.; W: 10.6 cm.; D: 0.9 cm.
All about Little Black Sambo [binding]
Grayish-yellow paper over boards; color illustrated paper onlay of boy holding umbrella, within decorative border with a tiger head at top and tiger tail below, lettered at head, all in brown, black, green, yellow, red, blue, and purple; two acorns and lettering on spine in brown. In white dust jacket with cover reproduced with slight color variation; series advertisement on back in red and blue. H: 13.9 cm.; W: 10.7 cm.; D: 0.9 cm.
All about The night before Christmas [binding]
Deep grayish-yellowish-brown paper over boards; circle color illustrated paper onlay of Santa Claus putting candy cane in stocking, within decorative circle frame of holly leaves and berries with two candles on either side, all in dark green, lettered below with two acorns; two acorns and lettering on spine in dark green. In white dust jacket with cover design repeated in color, publisher's advertisement on back in dark blue and red. H: 13.9 cm.; W: 10.6 cm.; D: 0.9 cm.
All about the little small red hen [binding]
Medium gray paper over boards; head dressed in dress and bonnet wearing glasses within double ruled frame, all in dark blue, yellow, red, white and brown, lettered above in dark blue; two florets and lettering on spine in dark blue. H: 13.9 cm.; W: 10.6 cm.; D: 0.8 cm.
All about the three little pigs [binding]
Dark grayish-yellow paper over boards; rectangular color illustrated paper onlay of three pigs in neck ties and hats within decorative dark blue frame on left side, lettered with acorn along right side in dark blue; spine lettered with two acorns in dark blue. H: 13.9 cm.; W: 10.6 cm.; D: 0.8 cm.
Alma's senior year [binding]
Light gray (C264) calico-texture cloth; two panels outlined in dark blue, upper panel lettered in green and red, lower panel has girl with book seated on cushion-lined window seat in red, green, dark and light blue, yellow, and white, single "H" on girl's sleeve and double "H" on cushion in red; spine lettered in red and ruled in blue. H: 20.2 cm.; W: 13.5 cm.; D: 3.9 cm.
Grayish-blue calico-tecture cloth; three panels ruled in thick reddish-brown and black, upper and lower panels lettered in white, center panel has dog running with fence with open gate, barrel, post, box, and bushes in background, all in black, reddish-brown, white, and green; signed "EB" (unidentitied); spine lettered and ruled in reddish-brown. H: 18.5 cm.; W: 12.8 cm.; D: 1.1 cm.
Alys-all-alone [binding]
Grayish-yellow (C90) vertical fine rib cloth; girl with doll looking at large portrait of woman with basket of flowers in red, black and green, red lettered scrolls at top and bottom; spine lettered and ruled in red and green. H: 20 cm.; W: 13.1 cm.; D: 4.6 cm.
American Patty
Moderate olive brown fine vertical rib cloth; woman seated at spinning wheel holding cotton and one woman standing behind her looking towards door with man dressed in a soldier uniform holding gun walking through open door, fire in fireplace, candle, pot, window, chair, and gun hanging on wall in background, all in red, white, black, and light orange, lettered at head and foot in red and black, all within single black rule border; spinning wheel, lettering, and stars on spine in light orange, white, and black. H: 19 cm.; W: 13.2 cm.; D: 3.2 cm.
An American girl abroad [binding]
Grayish-olive green (C127) calico-texture cloth; front view of 3 women in a touring car in red, blue, black and pale yellowish-green, gilt lettering; spine lettered in gilt and black and repeats image of woman and steering wheel from front cover. H: 19.1 cm.; W: 12.1 cm.; D: 3.7 cm.
An American girl abroad [binding]
Dark green (C146) pebble grain cloth; girl wearing hat, coat, and gloves, facing away within decorative oval frame, lettered ornamental banner below, trunk, bags, umbrella, and book below with decorative arrow, all in gilt and reserved dark green; series spine with hat, umbrella, gloves, bag, vignette of person, and lettering on spine in gilt. Brown coated endpapers. H: 18 cm.; W: 13.6 cm.; D: 2.7 cm.
