Susan Metcalfe Letters
- Salutation: Beloved! Casals imagines Metcalfe arriving to visit her family the next day and thinking of him, yet waiting several days to tell the news (of their forthcoming marriage). He expects it to be on the 16th or 17th, the same day his mother will receive a letter from him with the news. He is too happy, unable to express his tenderness and gratitude. He hopes that her family will share their joy.
- Metcalfe is very anxious at not receiving news from Casals. He has not responded to her cables. She is very upset at his silence. She asks whether he wants her to come to him for the summer. She will go to San Salvador provided he does his best to make it possible for them to be peaceful together. She asks whether he plans to give orchestra concerts in the spring. He must pay his income taxes. (There is a pastedown correction to the second page of the letter, and a portion of a second letter discussing some of the same issues. Letter was probably never sent.)
- Susie has asked me to write to you. She doesn't know whether you have fully understood her decision not to accept the concert engagements that Charles has made for you and her together. Metcalfe has received an offer of a concert in New Haven. Casals should inform Charles since he is the one who made the arrangements.