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(1 - 20 of 39)


First female VFW member recalls Vietnam events
WAC returns to home after Vietnam tour, 1969
Apex woman is highest ranking guard enlistee in N.C., circa 1979
WACs barbecuing
WACs off-duty
Lee Wilson and WAC
Three WACs in Vietnam
U.S. Embassy in Saigon, post-Tet Offensive
Tet Offensive damage in Saigon, Vietnam
Lee Wilson and soldier in Saigon
Tet Offensive damage in Saigon, Vietnam
Lee Wilson skeet shooting
WACs in uniform in Vietnam
Lee Wilson on a pier, Vietnam
President Lyndon Johnson's motorcade, Vietnam
Lee Wilson with shotguns
Veterans reunion
WAC at bunker in Vietnam
Lee Wilson's bunk in Vietnam
Estimated time of separation calendar
