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(121 - 140 of 204)


Portrait of Susie Winston Bain
Three WASPs in front of propeller
Jane Doyle and fellow WASP
Jane Doyle on wing of PT-17 plane
Jane Doyle in front of AT-6 plane
Portrait of Mildred D. Dalrymple
WASPs sit on the wing of a plane
Two WASPs look out of a cockpit
WASPs on tarmac
Jane B. Doyle in airplane
Two WASPs in front of plane
WASPs in front of a plane
WASPs walk on tarmac
WASP "Songbook"
Letter from Dorothy Avery to Eunice
Letter from Dorothy Avery to Finnigan
Letter from Dorothy Avery to Finnigan
Letter from Dorothy Avery to Finnigan, Jan. 1944
Letter from Dorothy Avery
Letter from Dorothy Avery to Finnigan
