Blanche Holt Gwyn Collection
Oral history interview with Blache Holt Gwyn
Primarily documents Gwyn's experiences at WCUNC and her time in the WAVES, both in Northampton, Massachusetts, and Washington, DC. She details memorable WCUNC professors, including Vera Largent; living in Spencer Residence Hall; one of the WCUNC reunions she attended; the Depression's effect on WCUNC social life; and her work at Tennessee Eastman Company. Topics related to the military include deciding to join the WAVES; living arrangements at Smith College and in Washington, DC; leading a platoon; white glove inspections; basic training instructors and courses; special treatment WAVES received from civilians; her family's reaction when she joined the navy; winning sixth place in a navy pistol meet; nautical terminology; tension between navy and civil service personnel; sports and physical training at Smith College; her opinion of the Roosevelts; her heroes, including General Omar Bradley and General George C. Marshall; celebrations on VE Day and VJ Day; and her opinion of women in combat positions.