Historical Photographs: Buildings, Grounds, and Views


Alumni House in the snow
The entrance to Alumni House after a snowfall in the 1990s.
Alumni House library
Photograph of the library of the Alumnae House with a portrait of Dr. Julius I. Foust over the mantle.
Alumni House with luminaries
Alumni House at night with luminaries lining the walkway. People are standing in the light of the doorway of the Alumnae building.
This photograph shows the amphitheatre with the lake.
This photograph shows the Amphitheatre in the snow in 1940s.
Architect's drawing of Aycock Auditorium
Architect Harry Barton's drawing of Aycock Auditorium in 1922.
Architect's drawing of Music Building (Tate Street)
Architect Harry Barton's drawing of the Brown (Music) Building, 1924. Printed by the Wm. A. Roberts Film Co.
Architect's rendering of the Smith Associated Campus Ministries Building
Architect's Rendering of Associated Campus Ministries Building by Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates, P. A.
Architectual Drawing of Moore-Strong Residence Hall
This photograph shows the Moore-Strong Residence Hall.
Architectural Drawing of Alumnae House
Architectural Drawing of Alumnae House, 1937, by Penrose V. Stout, architect, New York City. It was the cover of the July 1937 Alumnae Newsletter. Gift of Clara B. Byrd, Alumnae Secretary. For hand tinted version, see CVA47b. 24
Architectural Drawing of Fountain Plaza
Architectural drawing of Fountain Plaza.
Architectural Drawing of Main Building and Brick Dormitory
Architectural drawing of the State Normal & Industrial School by Epps & Hackett Architects in 1891. In this drawing the Main Building (on the left) and the Brick Dormitory (on the right) can be seen.
Architectural Drawing of Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall
Architectural drawing of Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall in 1966.
Architectural Drawing of Ragsdale-Mendenhall Residence Hall
This January 1949 photograph, shows the architectural drawing of Ragsdale-Mendenhall Residence Hall by Northup & O'Brien Architects & Engineers.
Architectural Drawing of Soccer Stadium
Architectural drawing of the Soccer Stadium done in 1990.
Architectural Drawing of Student Recreation Center
This 1991 photograph show the architectural drawing of the Student Recreation Center.
Architectural Drawing of Tower Village 1 Residence Hall
This 1990 architectural drawing shows an aerial view of the Tower Village 1 Residence Hall.
Architectural Drawing of Tower Villiage 1 Residence Hall
Architectural drawing of Tower Village as seen from Spring Garden Street and Aycock Street in 1990.
Architectural Drawing of the Health and Human Performance Building
Architectural drawing of the Health and Human Performance Building and Student Recreation Complex, circa 1985.
Architectural Drawing of the Science Building
Oriana McArthur, Class 1950 and Dr. Walter Clinton Jackson, chancellor, standing on bridge on College Ave. over Walker Ave. Jackson Library under construction in background. Architectural drawing of Science Building by William C. Holleyman, Jr., Architect in March 2, 1939. The back of photo includes a newspaper article from the Greensboro Daily News, October 12, 1938 that reads Additional Structure- Work will be begun before November 15 on the new Science building at Woman's college shown in the accompanying architect's sketch. This drawing by William C. Holleyman, Jr. of Greensboro, the architect who designed the building and who will supervise its construction, shows it to be of Georgian architecture, four stories in height and of red brick. It will be located on the old Curry athletic field, opposite Spencer hall. Total expenditure will be approximately $300,000. The new building will house the biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy departments." This building, designed by W. C. Holleyman of Greensboro, North Carolina, opened in 1940. From 1940 to 1960, the building was called the Science Building. In 1960, it was named in honor of Mary Macy Petty, head of the Chemistry Department from 1893 to 1934.
