- UNC Greensboro
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is the home of the Gateway digital collections portal. The UNC Greensboro University Libraries contains over 1.2 million physical items in its collections, and provides access to millions of digital items. Digital collections are drawn from the Libraries' general and reference collections and from items held by the Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections and University Archives (including manuscripts, special collections, the university archives, and the Women Veterans Historical Project).
- Bennett College
- Bennett College is a small, private, historically Black liberal arts college for women. The College offers women an education conducive to excellence in scholarly pursuits; preparation for leadership roles in the workplace, society, and the world; and life-long learning in a technologically advanced, complex global society. The Thomas F. Holgate Library seeks to accommodate the educational programs, philosophy, mission, goals and objectives of the College. In that regard, the College has made constant efforts to provide and maintain a balanced library program that fosters and aids the promotion and achievement of academic, professional, and personal excellence. The library also maintains the Bennett College Archives
- Community-contributed Collections
- Through our Community Collections program, we work with many community groups (schools, churches, neighborhood associations) and individuals to make their history available online. The items in this digital collection are not held by UNCG; they are housed in the homes and offices of individuals, businesses, and local community groups, as noted in each item's description. These community partners, through their willingness to share their historical materials, allow us to provide access to the public while letting the physical materials remain in the possession of the groups and individuals who contribute them.
- Cone Health Medical Library
- The Greensboro Medical Historical Archives collections are comprised of unique primary documents dating from the early 19th Century to the present including journals, letters, correspondence, photographs, medical instruments, ledgers, moving images, scrapbooks, and albums. Materials relate to the history of health and medicine in North Carolina, particularly in Greensboro and Guilford County, Burlington and Alamance County, and Reidsville and Rockingham County.
- Duke University
- The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library builds distinctive collections of original materials and preserves them for use on campus and around the world. In support of Duke University's mission of "knowledge in service to society" we collect a diversity of voices in a wide range of formats, with a focus on our signature areas of strength. Our innovative use of technology, expert description and cataloging, tailored reference and instructional services, and engaging public programming provide a variety of ways to discover our holdings. We invite students, scholars, and the general public to explore the world through our unique collections.
- Greensboro College
- Founded in 1838, Greensboro College provides undergraduate students a true liberal-arts education while also offering four master's degrees. The Jones Library at Greensboro College contains approximately 85,000 print books, DVDs, audiobooks, games, music scores, and more. The Library also provides access to around 21,000 print and electronic periodicals and newspapers, and full-text access to nearly 170,000 eBooks.
- Greensboro History Museum
- For anyone interested in exploring the history of Greensboro and Guilford County in even greater depth, the Greensboro History Museum Archives provides an astounding range of original local and regional source materials. Visit the Archives site to learn more about our holdings, notable collections and resources available online.
- Greensboro Public Library
- In partnership with the community, the Greensboro Public Library strives to provide free and equal access to information, foster lifelong learning, and inspire the joys of reading. The library makes available numerous local history resources through the North Carolina Collection and also maintains many online genealogy resources.
- Guilford College
- As a particular contribution to the maintenance of Guilford's Quaker heritage, and as a resource for teaching documentary research, the Quaker Archives of Hege Library acquires, organizes, preserves and makes available, not only to the college but to the wider community of researchers, materials, both published and unpublished, related to the history of the Religious Society of Friends. The collection has a special responsibility for comprehensiveness in preserving the spiritual, intellectual and cultural heritage of Quakerism in the southeastern United States. As the official repository for college records, the collection is responsible for Guilford's institutional memory, preserving records of enduring value and making them accessible.
- N.C. A&T State University
- The mission of the F.D. Bluford Library at N.C. A&T State is to support and advance academic scholarship and research at N.C. A&T through services, collections, technologies, staff expertise and spaces. The library is committed to ensuring access to global information resources that inspire exploration, discovery and personal growth. The physical facility offers wireless access throughout four levels, individual study spaces, group and collaboration rooms, and public computers. The library maintains a balanced collection of circulating print and non-print materials, with an ever growing collection of electronic resources available for local and remote access or for download to mobile devices. Archival collections documenting the history of the University and the region are also available.
- Saint James Presbyterian Church
- The Wynn Memorial Library at Saint James Presbyterian Church collects material that documents the history of the church (founded in 1867) and its members. This collection is still being developed, but we are providing access during development.
- Temple Emanuel Greensboro
- Temple Emanuel is Reform Jewish congregation in Greensboro. The religious group that was to become Temple Emanuel was organized in 1907. Today, Temple Emanuel is a congregation of approximately 600 families, and a member of the Union for Reform Judaism.