Andrew Earl Weatherly Collection

A search for O. Henry: Karl E. Prickett and the Greensboro Historical Museum
Promotional pamphlet for the Greensboro History Museum documenting the work of Karl E. Prickett.
Interior of Stratford-Weatherly Drug Company
Interior of Stratford-Weatherly Drug Co., 101 N. Elm St., early 1930s (According to the city directories, Stratford-Weatherly Drug Co. was located at 123 N. Elm St. from 1924 to 1930 and at 101 N. Elm St. from 1931 to 1934.)
Interior of Stratford-Weatherly Drug Company
Interior of Stratford-Weatherly Drug Co., 101 N. Elm St., early 1930s (According to the city directories, Stratford-Weatherly Drug Co. was located at 123 N. Elm St. from 1924 to 1930 and at 101 N. Elm St. from 1931 to 1934.)
Souvenir program of visit to Cone Mills
Souvenir program for Rotary Club members visiting Cone Mills in 1917.