McAdoo Family Collection


Lola Caldwell Morgan's brother Charles Vivian Caldwell and two other individuals by a car
Caption on reverse: "Uncle Charlie Grandmother's Brother (Lola C.) Charlie Vuriax Caldwell (man standing by the car)
Lola Caldwell Morgan's grandmother, Anne Miller
Caption on reverse: "Cinve Miller Grand mother of Lola C. Morgan"
McAdoo family members at birthday party
Caption on reverse: "Mother Virginia Lola Lillia John's Birthday Party Nov. 13 1993 Johns Birthday Party"
Million Women's March
Caption on reverse: "Million Womens March with Bennett staff"
Mrs. Emma Lou Morgan McAdoo (1914-2012)
Color photographic portrait of Mrs. Emma Lou Morgan McAdoo.
Pages from "Picturing Greensboro, Four decades of African American community"
Two pages from Otis Hairston Jr's book about Greensboro history include photos and information relating to Emma Lou Morgan McAdoo.
