Browse : Search Tips
Search Tips
Boolean Searches
AND: Use between each word when you want your search results to include all of the words you enter. So Main AND Street will return only items that include both the word "main" and the word "street."
OR: Use between each word when you want your search results to include any of the words you enter. So Main OR Street will return all items that include either the word "main" or the word "street" (or that include both words).
NOT: Use before words that you do not want to have included in your search results. So Main NOT Street will return only items that include the word "main" but not the word "street."
Phrase Searches
If you want to search for an exact phrase, put it inside quotation marks. "Main Street" will return only items that include the phrase "Main Street" exactly as typed.
Partial Word Searches
You can search for partial words by using the * wildcard. Stre* will return all pages including words that start with "stre" such as "street", "streak", or "stretch"
You can combine terms. So "Main Street" AND restaurant will return all items that include the word "restaurant" and the phrase "Main Street" while "Main Street" AND rest* will return all items that include the words "restaurant" or "restaurants" or "restroom" and the phrase "Main Street"
Search This Collection
Some pages give you the option to limit your search results to the current collection you are looking at.