Historical Photographs: Groups, Associations, and Clubs
Campus Squad
Folder of photographs showing the Campus Squad, a student group at the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) during World War I.
Photograph showing the Carpenterettes, a student group at the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) during World War I.
Folder of photographs showing the Farmerettes, a student group at the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) during World War I.
Neo-Black Society, 1970s [Photographs]
Folder of news photographs of members of the Neo-Black Society (NBS) of The University of North Carolina at Greensborp, primarily taken in the NBS Lounge in Elliott University Center. 001: Melinda Pennix and Leon Chestnut discuss the Black Arts Festival, 1973. 002: Linda White, ca. 1971. 003: NBS Lounge, ca. 1972. 004: Jackie Morris, NBS Coordinator, in NBS Lounge, ca. 1971.
Neo-Black Society, 1980s [Photographs]
Folder of photographs, primarily snapshots of members of the Neo-Black Society (NBS) of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro taken at various events in 1982, 1985, and 1989. Also some news photographs and portaits of various committee members.
Neo-Black Society, 1990s [Photographs]
Folder of photographs, primarily snapshots of members of the Neo-Black Society (NBS) of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro taken at various events during the 1990s.
Neo-Black Society, 2000s [Photographs]
Folder of photographs, primarily snapshots of members of the Neo-Black Society (NBS) of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro taken at various events during the early 2000s.
War Service League
Folder of photographs showing the War Service League, a student group at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) during World War II.