Artifact Collection


Woman's College pin, ca. 1942
Gold. Round pin with WCUNC seal, attached to a chain with a "'42" guard.
Wade R. Brown pin, 1940
Gold. Harp-shaped pin with the Greek letters for Pi Kappa Lambda on the front. The back has the letter "T" (Tau chapter) and "W.R.B. 24. 1940." Belonged to Wade R. Brown.
WCUNC pin, ca. 1951
Metal. A round, gold colored pin with the university seal and the words "The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 1891." "Class of 1951" is written on attached cardstock.
WCUNC pin, ca. 1932-1963
Gold. Round pin with Spartan head on the inside with "1891" underneath. Black border with "Woman's College of the University of North Carolina" written in gold.
WCUNC pin, ca. 1932-1963
Diamond shaped pin with pearls. "WCUNC" is inscribed in the middle.
WCUNC pin, ca. 1932-1963
Diamond shaped pin with a pearl border attached by a chain to a round WCUNC seal on a round pin guard.
WCUNC bar pin, ca. 1932-1963
Bar pin with WCUNC seal in the middle.
WCUNC Marching Penguins pin, ca. 1932-1963
WCUNC pin with four marching penguins in ascending size.
WCUNC Department of Nursing Education pin, 1962
WCUNC Department of Nursing Education Pin. "GJD" engraved on the back. Round pin with white background and gold star. Belonged to Gloria Jane Dunn, class of 1962.
Vintage UNCG charm
Pennant shaped charm, half yellow with "U of NC" written on the top, and half white with "Greensboro" written on the bottom. Marked "KINNEY STERLING."
University pin
Silver. Round pin with Minerva head in the center and "The University of North Carolina Greensboro" around the rim. "1891" is near the Minerva head.
UNCG nursing pin
Round pin with white background and gold star with pearl in center. Lettering on pin reads: "University of North Carolina Greensboro ... Nursing..." Belonged to Johana Dee Renfro Roberts, Class of 1965.
UNCG necklace
Necklace with a black and gold pendant with the UNCG seal
UNCG Vanguard pin
Round, gold colored pin with the University Seal and the words "The University of North Carolina. Greensboro. 1891." Thatched background.
UNCG Vanguard pin
Metal. Round, gold colored pin with the University Seal and the words "The University of North Carolina. Greensboro. 1891."
UNCG Vanguard pin
Metal. Round, gold colored pin with the University Seal and the words "The University of North Carolina. Greensboro. 1891." Thatched background.
UNCG Vanguard pin
A round, gold colored pin with the University seal and the words "The University of North Carolina. Greensboro. 1891."
UNCG Spartans pin, 1997
Metal. "UNCG Spartans" written on the front, along with the Spartan head logo.
UNCG Spartans pin
Metal. "UNCG Spartans" written on front, along with the Spartan head logo.
