Department of Nursing Education Records


Academic regulations
Documents and correspondence related to the processes of academic probation, whether students take practica, and other departmental topics.
Alice C, Boehret correspondence
Correspondence from Alice Boehret, Head of the Department of Nursing until 1967.
Annual reports to the Board of Nursing
Annual reports on the Department of Nursing Education to the North Carolina Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education, giving data on topics including curriculum, statistics for completion, and available facilities. Also contains qualitative statements on student experiences, and statements of philosophy and objectives.
Associate degree graduates survey
Survey setup and data regarding the associate degree in nursing at the Women's College of North Carolina.
Board of Nursing correspondence
Correspondence primarily discussing the establishment of the School of Nursing in 1957, as well as evaluations of curriculum and attendance.
Brochures for the School of Nursing
Brochures advertising the School of Nursing at The Woman's College, Greensboro, North Carolina.
Cap pattern
Pattern for making the official nurse's cap.
Constitution of the Woman's College Student Nursing Organization
The Constitution of the Woman's College Student Nursing Organization.
Curriculum requirements, changes in requirements, and course offerings in the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina, later The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Department of Nursing correspondence
Includes correspondence on the two year nursing program at the Women's College of North Carolina, as well as notice of its closing. Also contains other miscellaneous communications in the Nursing Department.
Faculty for the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina, later The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Graduates, 1959-1967
A list of graduates from the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina, later The University of North Carolina at Greensboro from 1959-1967.
Graduation, 1959-1964
Materials related to graduations from the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina, later The University of North Carolina at Greensboro from 1959-1964. Includes programs, commencement speeches and notes, and invitations.
History of associate degree program
Information on the two year associate degree program at the Women's College of North Carolina. Includes narrative descriptions of the program, correspondence, curriculum requirements, and other documents.
Long range plan
A plan for the new nursing program at the Women's College of North Carolina, later The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Includes course offerings, target enrollments numbers, and available equipment notes.
Medical record forms
Blank forms for use in recording medical information.
Minutes of Joint Nursing Committee
Minutes of the Joint Nursing Committee meetings for the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina.
Minutes of faculty meetings
Minutes of the faculty meetings for the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina, later The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital partnership
Documents about the partnership between Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital and the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina.
National League of Nursing data
Data, questionnaires, and a review by the National League of Nursing of the Department of Nursing Education at the Women's College of North Carolina.
