Dr. Anna Maria Gove Papers

Birthday book
Attractive notebook containing birthdays and notes about the personal contacts of Dr. Gove.
Canary Islands guidebook
Guidebook from Dr. Gove's time abroad.
Chicago album
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.
Colonel Gove U.S.A.
A memorial book about Colonol Gove, an ancestor of Dr. Gove's.
Guide du voyageur a Moscow
Guidebook to Moscow from Dr. Gove's time abroad.
Memorial of the International Exhibition 1876. 48 views.
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.
Miscellaneous travel ephemera
A great deal of ephemera from Dr. Gove's service in France, including sheet music for hymns, French coupons for tax exemptions, tourism booklets, charts of military emblems, and a certificate for foreign service from the American National Red Cross.
Miscellaneous travel ephemera
Guidebooks from Dr. Gove's time abroad.
Pikes Peak and vicinity [souvenir photo book]
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.
Recipe books
Several recipe books, including many handwritten and cut out recipes.
Souvenir photo book from the 1876 U.S. centennial in Philadelphia
A souvenir book from the Centennial Exposition of 1876, the first World's Fair held in the United States. Included are illustrations of the buildings and landmarks on the grounds.
Souvenir photo book from the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.
Viaggi di piacere nel Mediterraneo e per le Isole Canarie
1913 guidebook for a Mediterranean cruise to the Canary Islands.
View of Utah by C.R. Savage
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.
Washington [souvenir photo book]
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.
White mountains [souvenir photo book]
Souvenir photobooks from Dr. Gove's travels.