Search results

(1 - 20 of 1,517)


U.S. female military directors
Members appointed to DACOWITS
Women in the Navy Directors
Portrait of Viola Brown Sanders
Retirement ceremony for Viola Brown Sanders
Viola Brown Sanders arrives at her retirement
Viola Brown Sanders swears in WAVES
Viola Brown Sanders teaches reserve officer candidates
WAVES company passing in review
Viola Brown Sanders salutes
Four WAVES officers at 18th anniversary party
Marian "Mac" McBurney Kilgore attired in work uniform at Naval Air Station Anacostia
Informal photograph of Marian "Mac" McBurney Kilgore and other WAVES members
Group of WAVES members saluting
Group of WAVES members napping in ready room
WAVES member with Grumman F6F Hellcat
WAVES member, probably Marian "Mac" McBurney Kilgore, on unidentified naval air base
Marian "Mac" McBurney Kilgore attired in work uniform and wearing a life preserver
The story of you in navy blue
A boot's eye-view
