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(1 - 20 of 567)


Blossom Ellis in Nurse's Uniform
Four flight nurse students and male officer
Flight nurse students and Air Force medical technicians on tarmac
Blossom Ellis in uniform
Portrait of Harriett Jamane Lewis Yeager
Lt. Elizabeth Ray saluting child
WAC troop review, Bari, Italy
Retirement ceremony of Elizabeth Ray
WAF 25th anniversary collage
Josephine Watkins holding a baby
Lelia L. Hamilton in white uniform in cafeteria
Lelia L. Hamilton Portrait
Oral history interview with Gail Adams
Portrait of Barbara A. Wujciak
Barbara A. Wujciak in service dress whites with cap
Barbara A. Wujciak in service dress whites
Barbara A. Wujciak in service dress whites with Donald and Christine Wujciak, August 1980
Presentation of Certificate of Appointment to the United States Naval Academy to Barbara A. Wujiack
Oral history interview with Barbara A. Wujciak
Air Training Officers at Air Force Academy, Morning Drill
