Search results

(1 - 20 of 258)


Bomb daily [15 August 1945]
The critic [14 June 1945]
The beacon [19 March 1945]
The beacon [5 March 1945]
The beacon [19 February 1945]
Base E beacon [12 February 1945]
Base E beacon [5 February 1945]
Boomerang arc [February 1945]
Base E beacon [29 January 1945]
Base E beacon [22 January 1945]
Guinea gold [7 January 1945]
Coconut journal [24 December 1944]
Oral history interview with Susan D. Walker
Linda makes burdens of GIs a little lighter, 1967
The Greatest Mother in the World War Fund 1943
The Greatest Mother in the World Red Cross Chirstmas Roll Call Dec. 16-23rd
Hold up your end! War fund week - one hundred million dollars
Mary Elizabeth Partridge receives award, 1968
Bernice Bonner in Italy, circa 1944
Portrait of Bernice Bonner, circa 1943
