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A&T College Commencement. 1934
A&M College commencement, 1909
The 101st annual commencement of the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
The order of service for the burial of Bureligh Carlyle Webb
Open Centennial Convocation, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
A service of memory for Dr. Wadaran L. Kennedy
Eulogistic service for Mr. Ethbert Spellman Carr
Funeral service for Mr. Joe Edward Grier
A service of memory celebrating the life of Juanita Troxler Totton
A service of memory for the life of Attorney Mittie Ruth Moore Smith
Celebrating the life of Dr. Robert L. Owens III
Homecoming service celebrating the life Eddie Lee Owens Smith
In loving memory of Frank Edwin Smith Jr.
Funeral services for the late Mrs. Sannie Smith
Funeral services for the late Mr. Frank Smith, Sr.
The order of service for the burial of Willam Alfred Streat, Jr.
Sixty-sixth Founder's Day and dedication of new buildings
Sixteenth annual honors banquet [program]
A&T College commencement program, 1956
A&T College commencement program, 1966