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Klan/Nazi - 1979 News Clips
"'Truth' Vote Postponed" by Mark Moss - "The Carolina Peacemaker" - March 17-23, 2005
"Truth and denial: What's the harm in us talking about November 3?" by Allen Johnson - "News & Record" - April 3, 2005
"Commission encounters silence in quest for truth and reconciliation" by Jordan Green - "Yes! Weekly" - March 2-8, 2005
"Greensboro truth commission not the first to speak controversy" by Jordan Green - "Yes! Weekly" - March 30-April 5, 2005
"Commission begins effort on shootings" by Jason Hardin
"The Greensboro Massacre: Can there be Truth and Reconciliation" by Jordan Green - "Yes! Weekly" - January 5-11, 2005
"Panel seeking truth compared to one in Peru" by Ellica Church - "News & Record" - April 16, 2005
"Truth Telling about November 3, 1979, will benefit all of us" by Cynthia Brown and Robert Peters - "News & Record" - January 23, 2005
"N.C. city sees truth as salve to heal racial wounds" by DeWayne Wickham - "USA Today" - June 1, 2004
"How to Mend A Massacre" by Ellis Cose - "Newsweek" - June 2, 2002
"November 3, 1979: Time to Wade in the Water" by Lorraine Ahearn
"Truth and Reconciliation," - "The Business Journal" - June 25 - July 1, 2004
"The man some of us love to hate loves the prospects for city's future" by Allen H. Johnson - "News & Record" - March 6, 2005
"An Unbalanced Story: Cointelpro is alive and living in Greensboro" - Draft
"Inquiry shaping how city is perceived" by Matt Williams - "NEWS-RECORD.COM" - March 23, 2005
"Edward Cone: Reconciliation is point of truth commission" by Edward Cone - "News & Record" - March 27, 2005
GTRC Project Op-Eds - "News & Record" - March 13, 2005
"Seeking Closure on 'Greensboro Massacre'" by Darryl Fears "The Washington Post" - March 6, 2005
"Indictment makes start at lifting a 40 year old cloud over a Mississippi county" by James Dao
