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Greensboro 1808-1941: A brief history
The elixir of war: Greensboro, N.C. as an "army town," 1942-1946
Greensboro, N.C. directory 1909-10
Hill's Greensboro (Guilford County, N.C.) city directory 1933
Hill's Greensboro (Guilford County, N.C.) city directory 1959
Greensboro, N.C. directory 1917 including Proximity, Revolution Mills and White Oak Mills
Sewing class
Young people and the Red Cross
Pre-natal clinic at L. Richardson Hospital
Nurse and child at St. Leo's Hospital
Newborn at Wesley Long
Half Moon Cafeteria
Half Moon Cafeteria
Wesley Long Hospital uniform shirt
Dr. George H. Evans
Caldwell School students at the American Junior Red Cross
Fresh Air Clinic by American Red Cross group photo
Wesley Long Hospital stock room
Wesley Long Hospital stock room
Wesley Long Hospital stock room
