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(41 - 60 of 518)


Chair and cornerstone of St. James Presbyterian Church
Chair and cornerstone of St. James Presbyterian Church
Photograph of four unidentified individuals
2017 Booklet (propsoed duplicate?)
150th Ad Form
100th Anniversary
Cundiff, Johnson head appointees
150th Anniversary Fan donated by church member Paula Pierce in 2017
150th Anniversary Educators Yearbook
Items from bulletin boards
Items from bulletin boards
Greensboro Medical Society Historical Marker Ceremony-Simkins vs. Moses Cone Hospital
150th Anniversary Kickoff Reception-January 15, 2017
Sanctuary of St. James Presbyterian Church
Saint James Presbyterian Church, USA 150th anniversary homecoming service, May 17, 2017
Proposed 2017 anniversary events & activities
Fellowship hall of St. James Presbyterian Church
Catechism for young children: An introduction to the Shorter Catechism
Exterior of St. James Presbyterian Church
Exterior of St. James Presbyterian Church
