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G'boro Colleges Issue Statements
Poll for Guilford College student body position on integration demonstrations
Black and white handshake tags
William Henry Chafe
Otis Arnold Singletary
Information sheet about student arrests
Letter from student protestors to Carol Furey
Students Who Signed Call to Boycott
Letter from J. S. Longdon to Dean Katherine Taylor
Letter from Mrs. Wade H. Gentry to Chancellor Singletary
Memorandum from Katherine Taylor to Chancellor Singletary
Conference with Mr. Apple of the Do-Nut Dinette
Conference with Mr. Eugene Street
Civil Rights: Forward and Onward
Jesse Jackson stirs black awareness
George Simkins: a lifetime struggling for civil rights
Resolution concerning the Negro students of the Woman's College
Resolution concerning the selective buying at the Town and College, the Apple House Restaurant, and the Cinema Theatre
Help all W.C. students to patronize the Cinema Theatre, Town & College, and Apple House restaurants
Infiltration in our churches
