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(1 - 20 of 852)


Coverdell because it's a rough job
Action! Alioto for governor
UNIP KK [Kenneth Kanuda]
Vota Alvarez un alcale UCD.
Vote for UPN
This is Maddox country
Re-elect the Dike-Bomber?
Impeach the President
Carter 76
Victory for the American People Ford-Dole in 76
Carter Mondale '76
Fine Gael are ready to govern
President Nixon now more than ever
Presidential seal
McGovern a little light in a cold world
An evaluation of the pilot food certificate program in Chicago, Illinois and Bibb County, Georgia
Evaluation of the WIC migrant demonstration project : a final report
Food for your table, let's talk about it
Food stamp changes
Goethe's Faust (Part I), uncorrected page proof
