Search results

(21 - 40 of 481)


Items from bulletin boards
Items from bulletin boards
Greensboro Medical Society Historical Marker Ceremony-Simkins vs. Moses Cone Hospital
150th Anniversary Kickoff Reception-January 15, 2017
Sanctuary of St. James Presbyterian Church
Saint James Presbyterian Church, USA 150th anniversary homecoming service, May 17, 2017
Proposed 2017 anniversary events & activities
Fellowship hall of St. James Presbyterian Church
Catechism for young children: An introduction to the Shorter Catechism
Exterior of St. James Presbyterian Church
Exterior of St. James Presbyterian Church
Marguerite Evans - A living legacy
Stained glass window in sanctuary of St. James Presbyterian Church
Exterior of St. James Presbyterian Church
Jacob Jones
Robert T Patterson Jr [educator information sheet]
Yvonne Mason Patterson [educator information sheet]
Fellowship hall of St. James Presbyterian Church
Margaret M Spinks [educator information sheet]
John Thompson [educator information sheet]
