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(1 - 20 of 85)


Monument foreign views
Lurlei [Lorelei?]
Buildings along a river
Blind-man's buff
Gunner on the Ohio
Woodlawn cascade Bolton Road, Lake George
President's mansion, Washington, D. C.
Terrace and German Building, World's Fair
Mirror view of North and South Dome
Fountains and Education Building, World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo.
Will they ever wake up?
Her guardian angel
Great mastodon, Anthropological Building, World's Columbian Exposition
Cromwell's Bridge, Glengariff, Ireland
View of inclined plane railway
Overlooking the harbor from Kanagawa Heights, Yokohama, Japan
It seems by the pain of ascending the height, we had conqued a claim to that wonderful sight
Steamer Thompson Dean
Peace maker
Site of Ancient Dan, Palestine
