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(1 - 20 of 63)


How WAAC officers are selected
Keep Your Red Cross at his side
Nurses areneeded now!
The Greatest Mother in the World War Fund 1943
I'm in this war, too!
A lifetime education free for high school graduates who qualify U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, 1945
Enlist in a proud profession…Join the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, 1943.
Fighting men need nurses. Sign up at the Red Cross recruiting station, circa 1943.
Join the WAVES in Hanover now!
Symbol of life
Woman's place in war. Radio repairing. Army Service Forces. The Women's Army Corps , 1944.
The army air force wants you!
Women‚ our wounded need your care
Save his life...and find your own
Volunteer for victory
Hospital workers of the American Red Cross
Be a cadet nurse
As others see us
Take up the slack
Confidentially - you slink!
