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Application For Enrollment : Women's Army Auxiliary Corps
90,000 More WAAC Recruits : This book will help you get them
Ruth Shaver, Yvette and Jacques in Paris, 1945
Ruth Shaver at her desk
Ruth Shaver and Jacques dine in Paris
Ruth Shaver and Major Fehr in Reims
Ruth Shaver and a fellow WAC
Ruth Shaver on recruiting duty
Portrait of Ruth Shaver
WACs in front of a jeep
Ruth Shaver and fellow WAC at a storefront
WACs and soldiers in Paris on V-E Day
WACs and soldiers in Paris on V-E Day
WACs and soldiers in Paris on V-E Day
WACs and soldiers in Paris on V-E Day
Servicemen in Paris on V-E Day
WACs, servicemen, and civilians in Paris on V-E Day