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St. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, N.C.
St. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, N.C.
St. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, N.C., April 18, 1906
Exterior view of St. Leo's Hospital
Interior view of St. Leo's Hospital
St. Leo's Hospital
St. Leo's Hospital
St. Leo's graduation article
St. Leo's Catholic Hospital
St. Leo's Catholic Hospital
St. Leo's Catholic Hospital
St. Leo's Catholic Hospital
St. Leo's Hospital and nurses' home
St. Leo's Hospital
St. Leo's graduating class of 1939
St. Leo's graduating class of 1943
St. Leo's graduating class of 1944
St. Leo's graduating class of 1946
St. Leo's graduating class, undated
St. Leo's graduating class, undated
