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Memo from the Greensboro Justice Fund to Concerned Citizens of the November 3rd Incident
Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 1, Legal Alliance for Greensboro Justice Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 1
Indict the U.S. Government's Upside Down Justice / Free the Greensboro Six
Call for a special prosecutor for the grand jury investigating the Greensboro killings
Greensboro Justice Fund Literature, 1980s
Greensboro Civil Rights Fund memo on police involvement with the November 3, 1980, Death to the Klan rally
Greensboro Justice Fund says FBI lied about involvement in Nov. 3rd murders, calls for appointment of special prosecutor
Greensboro Police Department Number 1: Parade Permit
Greensboro Police Department Number 1: Captain Talbott
Greensboro Association of Poor People (GAPP)
Black/White Perception - Race Relations in Greensboro
Will the Nov 3rd Grand Jury Indict Sandy Smith's Murderers?
Response to Justice Department "denial" of ppecial prosecutor in Nov. 3rd case
Nelson Johnson Jailed: Government Agents, Klan and Nazis Free!
After the violence
Fifth person dies
On their way to court
Three days later
Where police cars were when shooting began
Greensboro: A Requiem by Emily Mann (Script) , 1996
