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Greater Greensboro Society of Medicine physician directory 1992-93
GMC : Greensboro Men's Club founded 1929
Providence Baptist Church: The spiritual journey continues
Guilford Green Foundation
The Campaign to End Homophobia
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), general material, 1988-1989
UNCG Gay Student Association
10 steps towards starting a GSA
Gay-straight alliances
Greensboro Chapter American Red Cross "the first fifty years" 1917-1967
American Red Cross store displays in Greensboro
Red Cross 1946 fund campaign window displays
GTRC Pamphlets and Media Kits
1993 African American women of distinction
1995 African American women of distinction
Election material (state and federal), 1988
Gay, lesbian, and persons with AIDS (PWA) discrimination documentation project, 1988-1989
Gay youth
Greensboro antidiscrimination ordinance, 1989
National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, 1987
