Sue Oliver Collection

Captain Suzanne Gillispie
Caption on back: " Cap't Suzanne Gillispie USMC."
General Arthur H. Adams and First Lieuenant C.S. Gilliispie
Caption on back reads: "Gen. Arthur H. Adams, Deputy Commanding General Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, the honored guest during the 28th Anniversary of the Women Marine Corps, cuts the cake while 1st Lt. C.S. Gilliispie, Commanding Officer of Women Marine Company Camp H.M. Smith, looks on. 12 February 1971."
Leeward view [13 February 1970]
Newsletter of Headqaurters and Service Battalion, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, at Camp H.H. Smith, Oahu, Hawaii.
Oral History Interview with Sue Oliver
Sue Oliver speaks of her family, education, military experience, and adventures with her friends. She discusses women’s role in the military, her travels with her friends, how she met her husband, her experience in the reserves, and how they raised their children.
Sue Oliver (in front) and another Women Marine walk down the stairs at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific ("The Punchbowl") in Ohau, Hawaii. Circa 1971
Caption on back: "We're walking down the steps at the Punchbowl (cemetery for WWII soldiers of the Pacific."
Sue Oliver (on left) and another Woman Marine at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific ("The Punchbowl") in Ohau, Hawaii.
Caption on back: “Punchbowl again with Diamond Head in the Background.” Circa 1971.
Sue Oliver and the 1972 Women Marines Company at Camp H.M. Smith
First Lieutenant and Commanding Officer Sue Oliver (front row on left), poses with the Women Marine Company at Camp H.M. Smith in Oahu, Hawaii in 1972. The company is wearing the green and white pinstriped summer service uniform.
Sue Oliver at her desk.
Sue Oliver doing paperwork during her assignment to the 221st Engineer Group of the New York Army National Guard in Buffalo, New York in 1978.
Sue Oliver sits on a couch.
Sue Oliver, wearing her dress blue uniform, sits on a couch.
Suzanne Gillispie (on right) at Officer Candidate School (OCS) graduation
Caption on back: “Suzanne Gillispie shaking hands with a Marine officer. Graduation from OCS.”
Woman Marine Officers Personnel Admin. Course
Group photo at graduation of Woman Marine Officers Personnel Admin. Course, January 1970 class.