Paula G. Flores Collection


Victory Square in Kyrgyzstan
Victory Square in Kyrgyzstan
The crew flag
The crew flag being held in Qatar.
Tent city
Tent city
Temporary Duty group photograph
Paula G. Flores in a group photograph while on temporary duty.
Sutherland's birthday
Sutherland's birthday
Sun dishes
Sun dishes
Summerlin, McDonald, and Huffstetler
Soldiers Summerlin, McDonald, and Huffstetler.
Statue of Vladimir Lenin
Statue of Vladimir Lenin.
Soldiers eating bratwurst
Soldiers eating bratwurst.
Sivils and Wilt
Soldiers Sivils and Whit.
Satellite communications
Satellite communications
Sand storm
Sand storm
Sand storm
Sand storm
Sand storm
Sand storm
Sand storm
Sand storm
Road map
Road map showing directions for Washington D.C., the Chinese border, and the Afghan border.
Potentially edible
Potentially edible
Paula G. Flores in front of a MOAB
Paula G. Flores poses in front of a MOAB, or Massive Ornance Air Blast.
Paula G. Flores in Qatar
Paula G. Flores stands on an F-15 fighter jet and holds an American flag while stationed in Qatar.
