Sandra J. Higgins Collection
Colonel Higgins, promotion to Major
Sandra White Higgins has on the traditional US Air Force female over blouse. She is being awarded a promotion to major, indicated by the rank on her shoulder tabs. Humphries (left) and Dietrick (right) are presenting the promotion to her at the NCO Club.
Oral history interview with Sandra Higgins
Sandra White Higgins tells of her service as an Air Force nurse officer and National Guard nurse officer, and her life in relation to her service. Higgins primarily documents her military career, beginning in 1977, spanning the Cold War and Operation Desert Storm, ending in 2001, just prior to 9/11. She details many of her experiences, including her time stationed in England and her service in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm.
Sandra Higgins at a formal event
Sandra Higgins wears the dark blue dress uniform of the United States Air Force with slight modifications that include a unique white ruffle dress shirt, tucked in dark blue tie, and dark blue belt. The rank on her shoulder loops signifies the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Sandra Higgins is promoted to colonel
Sandra Higgins stands at attention while receiving her new rank of colonel. The silver eagle insignia used for the rank is partially obscured by the hand of the unidentified man located on the left. Higgins wears the dark blue dress uniform on the United States Air Force, without the dark blue dress coat.
Sandra Higgins, offical Air Force National Guard photo
Sandra Higgins wears the Air Force class A uniform. On her shoulder loops is the rank of Colonel. On her lower right side she wears the Air Force medical services badge, and above that the flight nurse service badge.
The al jaber sirocco newsletter [22 August1995]
An informal letter made to inform spouses and enlisted personal about life in Kuwait. Produced after Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, article topics include a day in the life of a crew chief, weather report, local flora and fauna, and recreation hobbies.