Jane Fraley Kodack Collection
Combined Arms and Services Staff School class?, circa 1991
Two rows of United States Army officers attending Combined Arms and Services Staff School pose for a photograph in full dress uniform. The army branch lapel insignia of Cavalry, Judge Advocate General, Signal Corps, Medical Corps, Corps of Engineering, and Armor can be seen. Pictured are: (Front, l to r) Rick Hedden, Mark German, Dan Shine, Jane Kodack, Janet Millen, Don Cataldo; (Back, l to r) Bob Rowlette, Vic Holman, John Newton, Lieutenant Pollard, Vince Brooks.
Female soldiers at HospEx
Five female soldiers pose for a photograph dressed in army battle dress uniforms and Kevlar helmets during a Hospital Exercise [HospEx] at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in April 1985. A medical tent can be seen in the background. Pictured are: (Back row, left to right) Major Marian Caldwell, Major Chris Tant, and Major Margie DeBernard; (Front row, left to right) Captain Vickie Ransom and Captain Jane Kodack.
Interior of Operation Bright Star operating room
Operating room equipped with an anesthesia machine, oxygen tank, folding bed, overhead lamps, and a collection of drawers with "freezable" marked on it. This photograph was taken during Operation Bright Star 1990 in Egypt during Fall 1989.
MASH operating room
Picture taken April 1985 in the interior of Operating Room #2 in the Fifth Mobile Army Surgical Hospital [MASH] while on a HospEx [Hospital Exercise] at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. An overhead positionable lamp, an operating table, several medical tools, and an intravenous therapy system can be seen in the photograph.
Officer Basic Course graduation party
Three army officers--Felicia Murphy, Jane Kodack, and Captain Timmens--pose for a photograph during a formal party celebrating graduates of Officer Basic Course in November 1985. Capt. Murphey is wearing the army blue "class a" dress uniform, and the other two wear blue mess uniforms.
Operating room tent at Operation Bright Star
Photograph of a self-supporting operating room/CMS tent taken during Operation Bright Star 1990 in Egypt. The temporary OR tent has an air conditioning duct running out of it and is surrounded by pallets, boxes, and cables.
Operation Bright Star 1990 camp in Egypt
In a photograph taken during Operation Bright Star 1990, a line of shipping containers, construction equipment, tents, M-107A1 water buffalo trailer tanks, and several HMMWVs are visible in a desert landscape. The American flag and the Egyptian flag can be seen flying.
Operation Bright Star 1990 camp in Egypt
A row of tents, including the emergency medical tent (left, bearing the red cross), set up for Operation Bright Star 1990 in Egypt in fall of 1989. Three military vehicles, including a military transport, are also pictured.
Operation Bright Star 1990 camp in Egypt
A soldier stands in the foreground of the desert landscape next to a row of A-frame canvas tents and a mobile lightening device. A collection of vehicles and an additional row of canvas a-frame tents can be seen on an overlooking hill. This photograph was taken during Operation Bright Star 1990 in Egypt.
Oral history interview with Jane Fraley Kodack
Primarily documents Jane Kodack's service with the ANC from 1981-1993, and her education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) from 1963 to 1967. Kodack discusses attending UNCG in the first years after it became co-educational; returning to school after having children in order to become a nurse; and her civilian nursing jobs. She remembers her time in the army, including what prompted her to join and her family's reaction; the dissolution of her marriage and leaving the Reserves to become active duty; her time at Fort Sill, Oklahoma with the MEDDAC [Medical Department Activity] unit and the 47th Field Hospital; earning an Army Commendation Medal after a training accident at Fort Sill; attending Combined Armed Services Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; being part of Operation Bright Star at Cairo West Air Base in Egypt; her final deployment to Wuerzburg Germany; and her reaction to being medically discharged at the end of her service. " She includes her opinions on the Hyde Amendment; military pay; women in combat; the military as a career; the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; and feminism. Also included are her experiences with gender discrimination in the military; transition to civilian life; the change in attitude toward men in the nurse corps; experience as a woman at a training exercise at Camp Bullis in Texas; and her friendship with Major General Vincent K. Brooks.
Sleep tents, Operation Bright Star 1990 camp in Egypt
Pictured is a row of tents serving as sleeping quarters set up during Operation Bright Star 1990 in Egypt. Groups of soldiers can be seen lounging in front of some of the tents. A "dug In" shelter serves as a garage for military vehicles in the background.
Soldiers in gas maks
Army medical personnel dressed in full battle dress uniforms and M17 gas masks participate in a Hospital Exercise (HospEx) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in April 1985.
Soldiers in transport plane
Soldiers dressed in United States Army three color desert pattern camouflage and boonie hats sit in the hold of a C-141 Starlifter cargo plane en route to Egypt to participate in Operation Bright Star 1990.