Mary Mendenhall Hobbs Papers


Religious Papers
This folder contains a variety of undated essays by Mary Mendenhall Hobbs. Titles and topics include immortality, spiritual growth, "The Fatherhood of God," forgiveness, "The King's Highway,"Love and Unity," sabbath customs, and "Whom Shall We Fear?"
Religious Talks [Mary Mendenhall Hobbs papers]
This folder contains a variety of handwritten, undated religious talks. Titles include "The Absentee God,"The City of God,"A Cry & a Call,"Fully Persuaded," and "A Grain of Mustard Seed."
Revival Meetings
This folder contains a transcribed copy of Mary Mendenhall Hobbs' essay "After the Revival." A note at the top of the transcribed copy indicates the essay was written in January of 1925.
Revolutionary War, conditions following
This folder contains an essay by Mary Mendenhall Hobbs on the "conditions of a people, educationally, religiously, and industrially" following the Revolutionary War. The essay is handwritten and undated.
Sketches from Memory of the work of the Baltimore Assocation Within the Limits of North Carolina Yearly Meeting
This folder contains a 37-page manuscript titled "Sketches from Memory of the work of the Baltimore Assocation Within the Limits of North Carolina Yearly Meeting," written by Mary Mendenhall Hobbs in 1923. A version of the manuscript was published in 8 parts in The Friend in 1923, and portions of it were republushed in a pamphlet in 2011 by the Mary Mendenhall Hobbs Group of the North Carolina Friends Historical Society.
Society of Friends-Church Loyalty
This folder contains what appears to be a draft of an essay by Mary Mendenhall Hobbs on the topic of church loyalty. The essay was written in response to a request made by the editor of the American Friend.
Talks With Young Men
This folder contains a variety of Mary Mendenhall Hobbs' essays and lectures addressed to young men. Titles include "Young Manhood from a Woman's Perspective -- the Glory of a Young Man in His Strength" and "The Heart of Temperance." Most of the documents in this folder are undated, handwritten, and untitled.
Talks with Young Women
This folder contains essays and lecture notes pertaining to the activity and health of young women."No. 5, Cleanliness is next to Godliness" (1891), "The Marriage Question," and a talk on the "dedication of your own heart." This folder also contains transcribed versions of several of these documents.
War & Peace
This folder contains essays related to topics of war and peace. Topics include conscientious objection and Friends' involvement with war. This folder also includes a short essay on WWI, written on Hotel Sir Walter stationary (Raleigh, NC). The handwriting in this latter document does not appear to be Mary's.
This folder contains an undated essay by Mary Mendenhall titled "The old order changeth." The essay discusses the growing influence of women in religion and politics. The folder also contains a transcribed version of the essay.
Writings-Family and Home
This folder contains a story about the Mendenhall family life.
Young Friends
This folder contains an essay written by Mary Mendenhall Hobbs titled "The Young Friends' Branch," dated 1-10-1910. The undated lecture notes found in this folder are on the topic of "present-day opportunities for Young Friends."
[Mary Mendenhall Hobbs papers]
This folder contains three essays and notes by Mary Mendenhall Hobbs about the industrial schools, particularly about the girls in the schools.
