McDaniel Lewis Papers


World War II -- Miscellaneous
This folder includes 1942 and 1944 copies of Memorial Day programs for the services held at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Correspondence from families regarding loved ones lost during World War II is also included, along with a clipping from The Greensboro Record dated December 16, 1941. Of particular interest are anecdotes and poetry, including a poem written on the battlefield by Lt. Dean Shatlain as well as a poem about Mary Webb Nicholson written by Katherine Stedman Palmey.
World War II -- Printed -- Clippings
This folder contains clippings from local sources including newspapers such as The Democrat, The Greensboro News-Record, The Greensboro Daily News, and The Beacon. Topics discussed include Victory Gardens, MIA and KIA listings, highlights from President Roosevelt's address, and accounts of the proceedings to honor Maj. George E. Preddy through naming of the Overseas Replacement Depot. Individual obituaries and tributes are also included in the folder; for example, Lt. Stafford R. Webb, Pfc. Adrian L. Kirkman Jr., and the Sigmund Selig Pearl Memorial Field House are mentioned. A 1945 Honor Roll memorial listing and a North Carolina Legion News page detailing venereal disease infection in North Carolina obtained through county surveys of 1942 selective service physical examinations are also included in the folder.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Duke, Haywood
Included in this folder are the letters exchanged between Haywood Duke and McDaniel L, Lewis served as Chairman of the Recognition Day Committee, and Duke was manager of the King Cotton Hotel, which provided accommodations and a luncheon for event guests.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- General
This folder contains a letter from Sheldon Clark, President of the Navy League. The letter is in reference to the observance of Navy Day on October 27, 1942. The letterhead includes names of Executive Board members.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Greensboro High School
This folder contains congratulatory letters to McDaniel Lewis from Robert B. Jamieson, Athletic Director at Greensboro High School (Senior High School), and Principal A.P. Routh, regarding the success of Recognition Day. There is also a letter from Lewis to Coach Jamieson about the football game played during the event.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Replies to Invitations
This folder contains replies to the invitations extended by Ralph L. Lewis, Chairman of the Special Guest Committee. Notable individuals listed in the correspondence are: Brig. Gen. James W. Jenkins, J. Van Lindley, Maj. Gen. John H. Manning, Roy L. McMillan, Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts, J.E. Millis, John S. Patterson, George E. Perrin, Mayor E.N. Phillips of High Point, Julian Price, W.M. York, and Elmer D. Yost.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Replies to Invitations
This folder includes copies of invitations from Ralph L. Lewis, Chairman of the Special Guest Committee, to various notable individuals, as well as replies to the invitations. Listed in the correspondence are: Maj. Gen. S.E. Anderson, T.B. Bledsoe, Mayor W.G. Boon of Gibsonville, Gov. R. Gregg Cherry, Benjamin Cone, Rep. Carl T. Durham, J.L. Frink, Fielding L. Fry, Col. John N. Hauser, James M. Hayes, Sen. Clyde R. Hoey, and E.P. Holt.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Rives, E. Earle
This folder contains letters written by E. Earle Rives. One is addressed to Ralph Lewis and indicates acceptance of an invitation to serve on the Special Guest Committee. The other is addressed to McDaniel Lewis and extends congratulations on the success of Recognition Day.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Sixth Naval District
Included in this folder is correspondence from the Sixth Naval District. In addition to a letter from Commander Earl M. Collison, there are two biographical sketches. The U.S. Navy compiled one for Rear Admiral Laurance Toombs DuBose and the War Department compiled one for Kenneth Claiborne Royall, Under Secretary of War, who was also the principal speaker at the Recognition Day ceremony.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- Vanstory, C.M., Mayor
This folder contains a letter to McDaniel Lewis from Greensboro's Office of the Mayor. C.M. Vanstory Jr. extends congratulations for the success of Recognition Day.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Correspondence -- War Dept.
This folder contains correspondence to and from the Office of the Under Secretary. Much of it is in reference to Brig. Gen. Kenneth C. Royall's speaking engagement for Recognition Day. The day's agenda and travel itineraries for the general and his wife are discussed.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Financial -- Legal
Documented in this folder are some of the financial and legal obligations necessary for an event of Recognition Day's magnitude. Checks and deposit slips from Guilford National Bank are included, as well as several invoices for goods and services (such as fruit, meat, ice, coffee, utensils, and printing orders) from area companies. Also of interest are order forms from local businesses featuring their company slogans on the back. Additionally, the Certificate of Insurance from New Amsterdam Casualty Company covering the fireworks display is within this folder.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Miscellaneous
The material in this folder provides general information about the organization of Recognition Day and offers a behind-the-scenes view of event requirements. Greensboro Mayor C.M. Vanstory Jr.'s proclamation of the event is included. A script directing the words, music, and lighting of the program following Kenneth Royall's speech is also of interest. Other noteworthy items are various directories listing special guests, committee members and duties, civic clubs and their presidents, and event participants. Also included are contracts for the fireworks display and payroll information for Parks and Recreation maintenance work.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Miscellaneous
Included in this folder are items relating to the planning and organization of Recognition Day. A postcard solicits information regarding the participation of religious leaders in dedicating a special service to veterans on the Sunday before Recognition Day. A bulletin encourages employers to support event efforts and suggests ways to do so. Also of note is a detailed accounting of donations received from local businesses and individuals for Recognition Day. Of particular interest, the address given by principal speaker Kenneth Royall is included in the folder along with other speeches. There is also a parade participant list and map of the parade assembly area.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Notes
This folder contains handwritten notes regarding various activities designed to support Recognition Day. For example, one document itemizes communication expenses such as long distance phone calls and telegrams. Other notes serve as informal records of meetings by detailing elections and other decisions reached. Committee notes focused on publicity and the barbecue are also included, as well as a printed list of announcements and a hand-drawn diagram of seating arrangements.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Photographic
Photographs from the Recognition Day event held in Greensboro. The five images include Elm Street military parade views showing soldiers, as well as students in the Safety Patrol at Caldwell School and also a group following from Central School. There is also a crowd scene at War Memorial Stadium.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Photographic
Photographs from the Recognition Day event held in Greensboro. Four images feature attendees and dignitaries at the evening barbecue and program at War Memorial Stadium. Also included is a photo of the car carrying Miss North Carolina in the downtown parade.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Printed -- Clippings
This folder contains several newspaper clippings from the Greensboro Daily News and Greensboro Record detailing the planning, program, and review of the Veterans Recognition Day festivities on November 6, 1946. Planning began approximately a month before with published accounts of such details as what organizations would be a part of a large parade, including a white horse, Hatsushimo, which was formerly owned by the Japanese Emperor (Items 009, 025 & 026); arrangements for two large (segregated) barbeques cooked by local firefighters for any and all veterans bearing one of the freely-distributed tickets (Items 017, 021, etc.); requests for local businesses to close that day and for residents to display American flags (Item 020); and a high school football game which closed the day's ceremonies (Items 014 & 015). Multiple articles published the day after described the day's events in great detail (Items 001 & 031), while a later letter to the editor pointed out that it would have been a good idea to prioritize solving the veterans' housing problems before worrying about throwing an expensive and time-consuming soiree (Item 005). Also included are articles, with photographs, of Miss North Carolina, Trudy Riley, and military figures such as Rear Admiral Laurence DuBose and Brig. Gen. Kenneth Royall.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Printed -- Programs
Several copies of the November 6, 1946, Recognition Day program are included in this folder. The event was designed to welcome Armed Forces veterans who returned from the war and to serve as a memorial to those who died. The program lists the day's agenda, from a parade in the city streets to the barbecue and other events held at War Memorial Stadium, finally culminating with fireworks. The program also details the order of the ceremony (invocation, welcome, address, etc.). Of particular interest is the fold-out World War II Roll of Honor, which lists the names of 609 individuals from Guilford County who died serving their country.
World War II -- Recognition Day -- Printed -- Ticket
This folder contains a ticket for the Recognition Day Barbecue held at War Memorial Stadium from 5-7 P.M. on Wednesday, November 6, 1946.
