This collection consists primarily of materials relating to Jean Payne Rabie's nursing education at St. Leo's Hospital and her nursing career in Greensboro and across the country. Of particular note are printed items and photographs relating to St. Leo's nursing school and its students, as well as newspaper clippings regarding polio patients and treatments.
Includes the 1945 student handbook from St. Leo's School of Nursing, a graduation program from 1950, a clipping from a Christmas event, and the St. Leo's Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association Constitution and Bylaws.
Documents from the North Carolina Board of Nurse Examiners relating to Jean Payne Rabie's licensure as a nurse. Also includes a circular about the state nursing curriculum.
Group photograph of nurses after capping. Jean Payne Rabie is in the second row, third from right. The handwritten caption on the photograph reads, "Capping 1947."
Photograph of Jean Payne Rabie and another woman outside of the St. Leo's nurses' home. The handwritten caption on the photograph reads, "St. Leo's Nurse's Home."
Photograph of two nurses and Jean Payne Rabie in uniform outside the St. Leo's nurses' home after a snow. The handwritten caption on the photograph reads, "St. Leo's 1948 or 49."