Loose Stereocards

Baling and packing the finished goods, card #13827
Male workers use a machine to bale and wrap finished cotton goods at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Beaming frames at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13814
Men work at beaming frames where threads are straightened for looms at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Cotton gin, card #13802
A man works at a cotton gin where the raw cotton is cleaned and separated from the seed.
Detail of a spinning frame, card #13821
A close up of a ring spinning frame at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Finished goods at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13827
Workers pack and bale the finished cotton fabric at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Lapper room at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13807
Men work in the lapper room where cotton is cleaned and rolled at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Modern power loom at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13824
A modern power loom weaves striped denim at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Piles of cotton ready to press, card #13804
A man works piles of raw cotton through a press and a gin.
Shipping finished goods, card #13828
Men load bales of finished goods from White Oak Cotton Mills into a waiting train.
Slasher at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13815
A man works at a slasher where the yarn is sized and selvage fed in at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Slubbers at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13810
A man works at the slubber machines where yarn is given its first twist at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Spinning room at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13812
Workers stand next to spindles inside the spinning room with its 60,000 spindles at White Oak Cotton Mills.
The dye-house at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13818
The dye house at White Oak Cotton Mills, where yarn is dyed, washed and dried.
Transferring warp yarn at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13823
Warp yarn is transferred from spools on creel to warper at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Weaving room at White Oak Cotton Mills, card #13816
A view of the large weaving room with 2000 looms at White Oak Cotton Mills.
Workers picking cotton, card #13801
African-American workers on a plantation in North Carolina pick cotton.