Lenora Fulani Archive
- The American people support the struggle of the Congolese against dictator Mobutu
- Press statement, dated 1987-03-30.
- Statement on the peace movement
- Press statement, dated 1987-04-25.
- Statement by Dr. Lenora Fulani: Goetz on trial
- Press statement, dated 1987-04-27.
- Two roads are better than one [press release]
- Press statement, dated 1987-04-06.
- Atlanta will be the site for a National People's Convention
- Press statement, dated 1987-06-25.
- Stopping immigration is no solution to unemployment
- Press statement, dated 1987-07-14.
- Press statement re: North Carolina Brigadiers
- Press statement, dated 1987-08-14.
- An open letter to the Rainbow Coalition
- Press statement, dated 1987-10-09.
- Statement for interview by Buffalo Evening News
- Press statement, dated 1987-10-09.
- Solidarity Statement - Disabled in Action
- Press statement, dated 1987-11-19.
- Democratic & Republican Party bad for our health, Boston, Mass.
- Press statement, dated 1987-05-04.
- If Jesse were White, he'd be halfway to the presidency
- Press statement, dated 1987-05-12.
- 1988 could be a great year for independent politics
- Press statement, dated 1987-05-17.
- Reply to WNBC editorial: "Feeling Safe in N.Y."
- Press statement, dated 1987-05-20.
- Statement in Sheridan Square (AIDS)
- Press statement, dated 1987-06-05.
- Statement at Harlem Hospital (Dr. James Gibson)
- Press statement, dated 1987-06-11.
- Biden's Rejection of Jesse is an Insult to the Black community
- Press statement, dated 1987-06-13.
- Non-Partisan Presidential Debates Are Needed
- Press statement, dated 1987-07-09.
- Democracy denied in North Carolina
- Press statement, dated 1987-08-11.
- Crossing the matching funds threshold
- Press statement, dated 1987-12-08.