Gilley-Liles Family Collection
Elementary class photograph
These unidentified students were in Dorie B. Causey's first and second grade class at Brightwood Elementary School. Brightwood was located off of Lees Chapel Road in Guilford County.
Elzora Gilley
Photograph of Elzora Gilley, sister of Troy V. Gilley.
Man working at front counter
Troy V Gilley is seen on February 28, 1956 behind the counter of his gas station store at 4608 Summit Avenue in Greensboro.
Memories of Brightwood Elementary School
This school yearbooklet from Brightwood Elementary School in Greensboro includes photos of school life during the year, with images of the principal (Stanley J. Protas), faculty and staff. Sections for each class give the teacher's last name, and each student is pictured individually. Sections for earlier grades include the names of the students. Photographs of the library, audio-visual equipment, clubs and organizations appear at the end of the booklet.
Notice list your taxes
This broadside advertises the times and places for Guilford County residents of Monroe Township, to list their taxes, including the name of the Tax Lister and the place to meet them. The reverse includes some financial accounting information which the donor's father, who ran a service station on Summit Avenue, used to record purchases or sales of products during 1953 and 1954. The information was entered by Troy V. Gilley, owner of a gas station and store at 4608 Summit Avenue in Greensboro.
Pat Gilley
School photograph of Pat Gilley, about 16 years old, from Aycock School in Greensboro, North Carolina
Sixth grade class at Brightwood Elementary School
These students were taught by Linda S. Osborne, who is seen in the back on the room. Brightwood Elementary School was located off of Lees Chapel Road in Guilford County. 1st row (right to left) are: Darryl Lashley, Gary Phillips, ____, Buddy Haithcock, Martin Gant, ____ 2nd row: Jill Smith, Denise Weaver, 3rd row: Phil Ward