Search results

(1 - 20 of 1,117)


NC Board of Nurse Examiners letter to "Superintendent of Nurses"
Overage of alcohol
Graham Hospital Association emergency care guide [not digitized]
Black and white print of Alamance Regional Medical Center
Aerial view of Alamance Memorial Hospital
Times-News Physicians/Medical reference guide
Night shot of hospital
Exterior photograph of building in the snow
Salute to heathcare: A history of medical care in Alamance County
Alamance Regional Medical Center dedication ceremony
Alamance Regional Medical Center 15 year video
Service award recipients: Leaders in the age of change
Service award recipients: ARMC's greatest assets!
Breast cancer awareness: A call for action
In the news: Backpack safety
In the news: Snowcare
News bytes: Western High School - healthcare careers
News bytes: Camera in a capsule
News 2 clip: Carseat safety
In the news: Code green: School bus accident
