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(1 - 20 of 433)


Dr. Lapham inspecting a kitchen
Red Cross Mission team in Serbia
The Greatest Mother in the World Red Cross Chirstmas Roll Call Dec. 16-23rd
Hold up your end! War fund week - one hundred million dollars
Young women needed now to train as nurses in the military and civil Hospitals of the United States
Extra your country needs you in the U.S. Navy at once
The comforter
Young women! Nurses are needed. You are needed too.
Agnes Clio Rodgers and fellow Yeoman
We need you
United States Navy
Past voices - future journeys
Past voices - future journeys
Have you answered the Red Cross Christmas roll call?
United States Navy
We are ready: put us across
From overseas to you
Four WACs in WWI uniforms
Clara Fredere Sullivan scrapbook
