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(1 - 20 of 391)


Maxine Pierce's retirement
Maxine Pierce
Portrait of Maxine Pierce
U.S. Navy WAVES musical review
Portrait of Heather Brott
Heather Brott on top of an obstacle course
Heather Brott poses with family
Barbara Summey Marshall
Deborah Elizabeth Branson
Oral History interview with Deborah Elizabeth Branson
Oral history interview with Jacqueline Marion Edmunds
Portrait of Barbara A. Wujciak
Barbara A. Wujciak in service dress whites with cap
Barbara A. Wujciak in service dress whites
Barbara A. Wujciak in service dress whites with Donald and Christine Wujciak, August 1980
Presentation of Certificate of Appointment to the United States Naval Academy to Barbara A. Wujiack
Oral history interview with Barbara A. Wujciak
Oral history interview with Elizabeth Taggart
Bernadine "Bernie" Donato in flight suit
Bernadine "Bernie" Donato
