Search results

(1 - 20 of 523)


Evelyn Patricia Foote
Evelyn Patricia Foote and Melodie Esposito
Evelyn Patricia Foote receives award
Jimmy Carter with WAC personnel
Evelyn Patricia Foote cutting a cake
Evelyn Pat Foote with four WACs
Somebody special...
A new horizon for women
Portrait of Evelyn Patricia Foote
Evelyn Patricia Foote
Cheryl Lynn Brown portrait
Cheryl Lynn Brown with broken leg
Cheryl Lynn Brown in Korea
Cheryl Lynn Brown
Maria Felger Wayne re-enlisting an NCO
Maria Felger Wayne receiving balloons for her Air Assault graduation
Maria Felger Wayne seated with child
Maria Felger Wayne celebrating promotion
Portrait of Heather Brott
Heather Brott on top of an obstacle course
