Search results

(1 - 20 of 3,182)


Cone family tree
Callie Mae Shepard nursing pin
NC Board of Nurse Examiners letter to "Superintendent of Nurses"
Overage of alcohol
50 years of caring
Graham Hospital Association emergency care guide [not digitized]
Black and white print of Alamance Regional Medical Center
Aerial view of Alamance Memorial Hospital
Times-News Physicians/Medical reference guide
Night shot of hospital
Exterior photograph of building in the snow
Salute to heathcare: A history of medical care in Alamance County
Alamance Regional Medical Center dedication ceremony
Alamance Regional Medical Center 15 year video
Service award recipients: Leaders in the age of change
Service award recipients: ARMC's greatest assets!
Breast cancer awareness: A call for action
In the news: Backpack safety
In the news: Snowcare
News bytes: Western High School - healthcare careers
