Karen L. Chin Oral History


"Adventures in the 53d Trans BN! cpt karen L richard" (1 of 2)
Photograph album documenting Chin's time as platoon leader of the 89th Transportation Company, 53rd Transportation Battilion, 4th Transportation Brigade in Kaiserslauten, Germany from 1978-1979.
"Adventures in the 53d Transportation Battalion cpt K L richard" (2 of 2)
Photograph album and scrapbook documenting Chin's time as command of the 53rd Transportation Battaliion Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD) in Kaiserslauten, Germany in 1980.
53rd Transportation Batallion vehicles
Photographs of driver of M915 truck and the motor pool. Caption on back: "Our company end of the 53rd Trans. Bn's motor pool. These IHC 2000 D [?] replaced by the M915 series."
89th Transportation Company stands at attention
Karen Chin, unit commander, stands in front of formation in Kaiserslautern, Germany
Candid of Captain Karen Chin
Caption on back: "Cpt in Germany circa 1979-1980."
Captain Chin accepting the 89th Transportation Company guidon
Lieutenant Commander Brant passes command to Captain Chin in Kaiserslautern, Germany on 31 July 19179.
Captain Chin and another U.S. soldier pose in front of a trimotor propeller aircraft
Karen Chin (on right). Probably in in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Caption on back says "Aug 1979)
Captain Chin and three other soldiers standing in front of a M915 truck
Karen Chin (on left) poses with soldiers from 89th Transportation Company. One soldier holds a small trophy awarded to the company In Kaiserslautern, Germany. Caption on back reads "Headquarters Detachment Command and batallion time. 1979-1980."
Captain Chin and two other U.S. soldiers pose with a trophy and a certificate
Karen Chin (on right) and other soldiers pose with a trophy and certficate awarded for company safety. They stand in front of a M915 truck in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Captain Chin leading the 89th Transportation Company in a Pass and Review
Karen Chin salutes. Another soldier carries the 89th Transportation Company guidon. in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Captain Chin shakes hands with another U.S. soldier
Captain Chin in a receiving line
Captain Karen Chin at the Transportation Corps Military Ball
Caption on back: "Karen Chin 1979 Transportation Corps Military Ball Heidelberg, Germany
Exterior of the 89th Transportation Company Roadmasters building.
Sign reads: "89th Transportation Company Roadmasters." The 89th Transportation Company insignia on left and 53rd Transportation Battalion Unit insignia on right. Kaiserslautern, Germany cira 1979.
First Lieutenant Karen Chin
Karen Chin wearing fatigues and helmet with canteen and rifle.
Formal portrait of Captain Karen Chin
Captain Karen Chin. She is wearing a Army Marksmanship Qualification Badge and Transportation Corps collar insignia.
Graduation exercises
Graduation program for WAC officer orientation.
Karen Chin (on right) with SP4 Loyd at Loyd's reenslistment
Flag on right says "Company of the year '79." in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Karen Chin and fellow WACS at a "dining in"
Karen Chin wearing her mess dress uniform. Caption: "20 March 80- 53rd Trans Dining in Receiving Line - Cocktails and Dinner- and Fun!"
Karen Chin giving up command of the 53rd Transportation Batallion
Caption on back: "giving up command in 1980 yep, I'm the littlest one."
