Military Women Across the Nation Collection


1943-2010 WAVES National odds and ends, Album 5
Photo scrapbook documenting activities and history of WAVES National and its members.
Personal scrapbook of Virginia Irene Roth Jessee, Buffalo NY, Navy WAVES, Album 39, 1943-1946
Photo scrapbook from a WAVES member from Buffalo, New York.
Personal scrapbook of an Akron, Ohio, resident, Navy WAVES, Album 25, 1943-1945
Photo scrapbook from a WAVES member from Akron, Ohio.
710th WAAC Post H.G. Co.
710th WAAC Post H.G. Co. Bowling Field D.C. August 23 1943
5th.WAC CWS Headquarters detachment
5th.WAC CWS Headquarters detachment, Edgewood Arsenal, MC June 15th.1944.
First WAVES reunion
First WAVES reunion at the Waldorf-Astoria in 1947.
WAVES National unit patches, Album 33, 1979-current
Photo scrapbook documenting WAVES National unit patches.
Oregon WN members, 1979-2008
Photo scrapbook documenting activities and history of WAVES National and its members in Oregon.
WAVES National Newsletter [July 1979]
The July 1979 issue of July newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).pdf, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [August 1979]
The August 1979 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [November 1979]
The November 1979 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [January 1980]
The January 1980 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [February 1980]
The February 1980 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [April 1980]
The April 1980 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [June 1980]
The June 1980 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [November 1980]
The November 1980 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [December 1980]
The December 1980 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
Call to convention, St. Louis MO, 1981
WAVES National convention call announcement.
White caps [February 1981]
The February 1981 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
White caps [April 1981]
The April 1981 issue of White caps, the newsletter for WAVES National (now Military Women Across the Nation).
