Theressa Jeanne Fillmore (b. 1956), of Fort Worth, Texas, served in the United States Army from 1975-2006. She was deployed to Bosnia in 1997 and to Command Headquarters at Logistic Support Area (LSA) Anaconda, Iraq from 2004-2005. She retired with the rank of Sergeant Major in 2006. Theressa Jeanne Fillmore was born 13 November 1956 in Fort Worth, Texas, and lived throughout New Mexico during her adolescence. In 1974, at the age of eighteen, Fillmore signed up for the Delayed Entry Program of the Women's Army Corps (WAC). She began basic training in January 1975 at Fort McClellan, Alabama, and was then sent to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, for a six-week Adjunct General Corps (AG) training course. Fillmore's first duty station was Fort Hood, Texas. She was assigned to the 227th Aviation Company, where she worked as the company clerk. In 1977, the WAC transitioned to the regular army. After three years at Fort Hood, Fillmore decided to re-enlist, and reclassified as a Data Communications Switching Center Specialist. She went to Fort Gordon, Georgia for her training, and graduated as a Distinguished Honor Graduate. In 1978, Fillmore was assigned to Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where she worked on the new equipment training team, teaching soldiers how to use new signal equipment. She also attended a Basic Instructor Training Course. In 1979, Fillmore received orders to the Second Technical and Administrative Services Brigade in Heilbronn, Germany. Her duties included delivering mail, processing awards and disciplinary actions, and preparing letters for the commander's signature. She also participated in the Reforger (Return of Forces to Germany) military exercise. While in Germany, Fillmore was married. In 1982, Fillmore was assigned to St. Louis United States Army Recruiting Command (United StatesAREC) in Missouri, and returned to performing administrative duties, while her husband was assigned to nearby Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. In 1983, a Personnel Services Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) position became available at Fort Leonard Wood and Fillmore transferred to a One Station Unit Training battalion. In 1986, Fillmore received orders to Field Station Kunia, outside of Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. As this was a military intelligence installation organization, she was granted top secret clearance, but continued with Adjutant General's Corps duties. While in Hawaii, Fillmore was chosen to be first sergeant of the headquarters company, although she was only a sergeant first class. She was also periodically selected to run the remedial physical training (PT) program for soldiers failing PT tests. Fillmore's tour in Hawaii was cut short in 1990 because her top-secret clearance was needed at Personnel Command (PERSCOM) in Alexandria, Virginia. At PERSCOM, Fillmore worked placing soldiers in "dark units;" units that regular soldiers do not even know exist. In 1992, Fillmore returned to Fort Huachuca, where she was made section chief in the Strength Management Branch of the Adjunct General Corps. Fillmore returned to Heidelberg, Germany in 1994, and was assigned to United States Army Europe (United StatesAREUR) headquarters, working as the G3, or Assistant Chief of Staff Operations and Plans. From Germany, Fillmore deployed to Hungary in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Bosnia. Her duties including traveling into Bosnia as support for subordinate units, managing the Post Exchange (PX), and making sure the soldiers had everything they needed. In 1997 as a graduate of the United States Army Nonresident Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Huachuca, Fillmore was assigned to Fort Bliss, New Mexico, as a proctor at their United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. For a year, she oversaw enrollment and graduation in the Nonresident Course. She was then selected as the installation AG sergeant major, helping soldiers get the qualifications they needed for promotions or a permanent change of station (PCS). At Fort Bliss, Fillmore also began a tradition of conducting NCO ceremonies for soldiers being promoted to sergeant. In 1999, Fillmore returned to PERSCOM, now referred to as United States Army Human Resources Command (HRC), and was made sergeant major of the engineering branch. In 2001, after the 9/11 tragedy, Fillmore acted as an escort for the families of victims who had perished in the attacks. In 2002, Fillmore was assigned to 1st Core Support Command (COSCOM) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, providing support to XVIII Airborne Corps as the G1 (Personnel) sergeant major. One of her duties included reviewing award submission to assess whether a soldier met the qualifications for receiving an award. In January 2004, having been in the army for thirty years, Fillmore submitted her retirement paperwork and began training her replacement, when her commander requested she postpone her retirement so she could accompany the unit to Iraq. Before the official deployment, Fillmore was sent to Iraq for a week as part of a pre-deployment site survey (PDSS). She deployed in October 2004 to the command headquarters at Logistical Support Area Anaconda at Balad Air Base. Her duties included processing awards and leaves, and any additional administrative issues that were assigned. She was also designated as the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). In this role, she arranged responses for sexual assault claims, including setting up meetings with mental health specialists or the chaplain, and ensuring the assaulted soldiers received the care they needed. After deployment, Fillmore returned to 1st COSCOM, now called the 1st Theater Sustainment Command, at Fort Bragg. She was given a duel command, and assisted with reassignment arrangements for Airborne units. Fillmore retired from the United States Army in September 2006 with the rank of sergeant major.