M. Renee Sisk Collection

Oral history interview with M. Renee Sisk
Primarily documents M. Renee Sisk's adolescence and her service with the U.S. Navy WAVES. Sisk recounts her early life growing up in Montana during the Cold War, the circumstances that led her to join the U.S. Navy WAVES, and the nursing education she received during basic training. Sisk discusses the homesickness she felt at times, the various ranks she earned, and her marriage in October 1960. She recalls having to resign from the WAVES once she was married, her subsequent work with the United States Department of Defense, and her recent work with the River Bend, North Carolina City Council and Craven County Government. Sisk discusses how the WAVES taught her many life lessons and gave her confidence, the ease she felt in leadership positions, and her views on how the military has changed in regards to women.
Photograph M. Renee Sisk and family
M. Renee Sisk is seen here with her family. From left to right are M. Renee Sisk, wearing her navy blue service jacket and garrison cap, father Marcus McCann, sister Sharon, brother Brent, brother Steven, and mother Mary McCann.